Experiential Training for Mental Health and Wellness Professionals
Somatically integrative
I find this work to be an invaluable addition to the training of any eating disorder professional, whether one is a therapist, dietitian, psychiatrist, or residential staff member.”
Clare Stadlen, LCSW, CEDS
Durham NC
Training Program
Our 3-Tier Training Program supports the professional development, personal growth and spiritual nourishment for providers working with eating disorders and a wide variety of co-occuring mental and physical diagnosis.
What is ERED
Eating disorders are complex, multi-layered and pernicious. The body, the very stage where the war is waged, is often the missing link to effective treatment for eating disorders.
The Embodied Recovery training was a rejuvenating experience on a personal level and immediately offered insight into how I can help my clients in a different, effective way on their recovery journeys.
Anna M. Lutz, MPH, RD/LDN, CEDRD
Raleigh, NC