Rachel Lewis-Marlow, MS, EDS, LCMHC, LMBT
Co-Founder, Director, Tier I, II, III Faculty
RACHEL (she/her) is a somatically integrative psychotherapist, dually licensed in counseling and therapeutic massage and bodywork. She is a Certified Advanced Practitioner in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and has advanced training and 25 + years of experience in diverse somatic therapies including Craniosacral Therapy, Energetic Osteopathy, Oncology massage and Aromatherapy.
Rachel began her work with eating disorders in Residential, PHP and IOP treatment programs. There she developed the Embodying Recovery group therapy protocol which forms the basis for the EMBODIED RECOVERY for EATING DISORDERS (ERED) treatment model. She provided program development, training and supervision for the implementation of the ERED model to enhance the effectiveness of current best practices, such as DBT, Interpersonal Process, ACT groups. She also developed the Body Wisdom group protocol, an alternative to the traditional body-image group, which focuses on enhancing the mind-body relationship through mindful experience of and through the body.
She has extensive experience as a teacher and presenter, focusing on accessing the body’s unique capacity to give voice to the subconscious and to lay the foundation for healing and maintaining psychological and physical health. In her private practice in Chapel Hill, NC, Rachel specializes in working with people exploring recovery from trauma, eating disorders, and dissociative disorders.

Paula Scatoloni, LCSW, CEDS, SEP
Co-founder, Tier I Faculty: Intro to ERED: Online
PAULA (she/her) is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Certified Safe and Sound Protocol Provider, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Durham, NC. She combines her intuitive wisdom with an in-depth understanding of interpersonal neurobiology, traumatology, and conscious embodiment practices to bridge the gap between modern and ancient methods of transformative growth. With over two decades of experience, Paula has led clinical teams at Duke University and has collaborated to develop projects such as The Embodied Recovery Institute and a well-known outpatient treatment center in Hawaii.
She currently serves as a consultant for Integrative Listening Systems/Unyte to support innovative training methods for Safe and Sound Protocol. In her role as a therapist, educator, and workshop facilitator, she brings her creativity and deep respect for the collective archetypes that are part of a universal embodied consciousness. She believes that embodiment is a journey of returning to wholeness and our authentic expression of ourselves. And that our emotions, relational templates, body narrative, and energy systems hold the embodied consciousness of our personal, intergenerational, and collective wounding as well as our innate capacity for resilience.
Paula offers Safe and Sound Protocol experiential groups for the Embodied Recovery Institute

Annie Goldsmith, RD, LDN
Tier I Faculty: Introduction to ERED
ANNIE (she/her) holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Rochester in Brain and Cognitive Sciences and attended Winthrop University for her graduate coursework in human nutrition. Her educational and professional trajectory has always been guided by a strong curiosity about the ways our biology and psychology interact to inform our human experience. Annie worked in neuroscience research labs at New York University and Davidson College before pursuing a career in nutrition. She has experience treating eating disorders at the PHP, IOP, and outpatient levels of care. She opened her outpatient group practice, Second Breakfast Nutrition, in 2015.
Annie’s practice is rooted in a foundational belief in the inherent worthiness of all bodies. She centers weight inclusive, social justice oriented, and trauma informed frameworks in her approach to eating disorder care and recovery. She is passionate about working with clients from a “bottom up” approach, centering and supporting the wisdom of the body and its innate capacity for healing.

Bob Lehnberg
Tier II Faculty: Growing Seeds of Attachment
BOB (he/him) received his certification as Practitioner of Body-Mind Centering® (BMCsm) in 1990, and in 2002 Teacher of Body-Mind Centering. Since then, Bob has received teacher certifications for BMC Yoga, Integral Yoga and Supreme Science of Qigong. He has been teaching in schools of massage therapy and programs of somatic training since 1990 and has had the good fortune to teach BMC and somatic practices throughout the US and internationally in Europe, Canada, China, and Taiwan.
Bob is a co-founder of Kinesthetic Learning Center in Durham, NC and has been on faculty teaching and coordinating the BMC Somatic Movement Educator (SME) and Practitioner certification programs since 2007. He is coordinator of SME courses for Esprit en Mouvement in Montreal, Canada, Co-director of the SME program in Taitung, Taiwan, and faculty for the BMC Yoga Immersion Series. He teaches Embryology Qigong and other systems of qigong online.
Bob served on NCBTMB committees and the Board from 1992 – 2007. He is an NCBTMB Approved Continuing Education Provider #1372.

Kimberly Clairy, MS, OTR/L
Tier II Faculty: Coming to Our Senses about Eating Disorders Treatment
KIM graduated from Brenau University with a master’s in occupational therapy (OT). As an adult, she was diagnosed with autism (ASD). Kim learned to break through many personal and societal barriers, including navigating the healthcare system with ASD and an eating disorder (ED). Her experiences forged a passion for educating others about when these conditions intersect with the hope of helping give voice to those unable to articulate their inner worlds. Now in recovery, she is an autism advocate, international speaker, writer, and private consultant. Using personal and professional experiences Kim educates on many facets of autism across the life-span including eating disorders, trauma, mental health, ADHD, intimacy, relationships, self-awareness, problem-solving through challenging behaviors, and much more!

Lauren Fabrizio, MPS, ATR-BC, LCAT
Alumni Coordinator, Tier 1 Assistant Faculty
Lauren Fabrizio, MPS, ATR-BC, LCAT is a Creative Arts Therapist in private practice. Her specialties include treating eating disorders, trauma, and anxiety.
Lauren’s passion lies in helping people to become empowered; achieving balance and fulfillment in their lives. She believes in a trauma-informed, somatically oriented and client-centered approach and works intuitively; blending talk therapy with art therapy techniques and somatic practices.
After receiving a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Photography & Imaging from New York University, Lauren worked for two years in photo editing for various magazines. She found herself yearning to work more directly with people, in order to have a meaningful impact on the world. This led her to decide to leave the corporate world and pursue her Masters degree in Art Therapy from the School of Visual Arts.
Lauren has since led art therapy groups and coordinated programs at several treatment centers. Lauren has been working in private practice since 2012, and in 2015 left her post as Program Coordinator at Balance eating disorder treatment center to dedicate herself fully to this practice.
Along the way, Lauren has continued to follow her own course of personal growth, empowerment and spiritual healing. She is ever grateful for all of the guides, teachers and healers who have illuminated her path.
Lauren Fabrizio, MPS, ATR-BC, LCAT is a Creative Arts Therapist in private practice. Her specialties include treating eating disorders, trauma, and anxiety.
Lauren’s passion lies in helping people to become empowered; achieving balance and fulfillment in their lives. She believes in a trauma-informed, somatically oriented and client-centered approach and works intuitively; blending talk therapy with art therapy techniques and somatic practices.
After receiving a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Photography & Imaging from New York University, Lauren worked for two years in photo editing for various magazines. She found herself yearning to work more directly with people, in order to have a meaningful impact on the world. This led her to decide to leave the corporate world and pursue her Masters degree in Art Therapy from the School of Visual Arts.
Lauren has since led art therapy groups and coordinated programs at several treatment centers. Lauren has been working in private practice since 2012, and in 2015 left her post as Program Coordinator at Balance eating disorder treatment center to dedicate herself fully to this practice.
Along the way, Lauren has continued to follow her own course of personal growth, empowerment and spiritual healing. She is ever grateful for all of the guides, teachers and healers who have illuminated her path.

Melissa Elder, LCSW, RYT-300
Tier I Assistant Faculty
MELISSA (she/her) is the owner and founder of Deeper Roots Therapy in Charlotte, NC. She specializes in working with people experiencing eating disorders, trauma, body dissociation, chronic pain, physical and occupational therapy concerns, and parenthood stress.
Melissa earned her BA in sociology from Wake Forest University and MSW from Fordham University. She is trained in Brain Spotting and Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) and offers supervision in both modalities. In addition to being a faculty member with ERI, Melissa is an adjunct professor at Sage Colleges.
Her clinical approach emphasizes creating safety by brining her authentic self into the therapy room and holding presence for clients’ experiences of living in their bodies.

Michele Price, LCSW, RYT-200
Tier 1 Assistant Faculty: Intro to ERAR
MICHELE (she/her) has been a licensed clinical social worker since 2012. She is currently in private practice and is trained in IFS, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and yoga. She has a passion for using somatic work, creative arts, and mindfulness practices to help clients connect to their parts and inner wisdom. For more detailed information, please visit michelepricelcsw.com.

Bridget Ashcraft, MS, LCPC
Tier 1 Assistant Faculty
Bridget Ashcraft, LCPC (she/her) is a licensed counselor in private practice in Bozeman, Montana. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design and a Masters of Science in Marriage and Family Counseling, both from Montana State University.
In addition to Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders, she is trained in Somatic Experiencing, NeuroAffective Touch and diverse approaches to trauma-informed care, neurodiversity, anxiety, parenting, family systems, couples work, art/expressive therapy, sexual trauma and sex therapy.
Over the past decade, Bridget has been integrating ERED into her work with eating disorders, family systems, trauma recovery, and neurodiversity. Her approach to therapy and teaching is trauma-informed, relationally oriented and somatically integrative. Curiosity, play, art, movement, and sound are essential to both her personal and professional work. She brings these values and strengths to her collaborative approach to working with clients and students to improve regulation and facilitate attuned relationships with their own bodies as well as with others.