The Introduction to Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders: Online course presents the foundational principles, maps and models of trauma-informed, attachment-based and somatically integrative eating disorder treatment.
The online format of this course consists of 6 live virtual training supported by pre-recorded materials and downloadable handouts. Topics covered include:
- Overview of the 4 foundational principles, developmental maps and neurologically based models of trauma-informed and attachment-based eating disorder treatment.
- Integration of scientific and theoretical models to explain how neurological regulation and embodiment provide bottom-up support for “normative eating”.
- Experiential exploration of attachment experiences that impact neurological regulation and capacity for “normative eating”.
- Scientific, evidenced-based rationale for expanding the multidisciplinary treatment team to include specialists in Trauma, Sensory Processing, Embodied Movement and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).
- Opportunities for self-reflection of the provider’s own embodiment which impacts capacity for co-regulation and therapeutic effectiveness.
This course it intended to introduce participants to the maps, concepts, and embodiment practices of the trauma-informed and attachment-based eating disorder treatment. This course is just the beginning. Clinical and programmatic implementation of trauma-informed and attachment-based eating disorder treatment is addressed in Tier II and III trainings and ongoing consultation with Embodied Recovery Institute faculty.
Please, note: This training covers topics of trauma and attachment injury. While lectures and activities encourage personal exploration and can be evocative, the class is not designed to provide therapy. Please engage your personal and professional resources to support you during this experience.
This training is in compliance with the Americans Disabilities Act. Please contact Jenn at, if special accommodation is required.
January 31, 2025-June 30, 2025 – Online
January 24, 2025-June 16, 2025 – Online
Course Details
The Introduction to Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders: Online training is offered several times a year. Each training cohort will be organized into sub-cohorts of 6-12 people during live virtual training sessions to allow for individualized and experiential exploration of course content. The Introduction to Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders on-line training includes the following:
- Pre-recorded lectures, slide-show presentations, guided experiential activities and journal prompts to support material covered in live virtual training sessions and facilitate embodied learning experience. Please note: The time needed to complete these course materials will vary depending on your learning style. We encourage participants to allow ample time to stop videos for engaging in experiential activities, note taking, reflection and breaks.
- 6 live 2 hour virtual training sessions with your instructor(s). During these meetings, your instructors will facilitate discussion, answer questions and lead experiential activities related to assigned pre-recorded material. NOTE: Attendance for all live virtual training sessions is required to receive CE’s and a Certificate of Completion. We understand that life can be unpredictable. If events arise that make you unable to attend these virtual consultation groups, you must notify the Embodied Recovery Institute at You will be given information on how to schedule a make-up session with an instructor. There will be an additional charge for these make-up sessions that is payable directly to the instructor.
The following describes the content included the pre-recorded course material and the approximate duration of video lessons. Please note: The time needed to complete the course will vary depending on your learning style. We encourage participants to allow ample time to stop videos for engaging in experiential activities, note taking, reflection and breaks.
Chapter 1: Introductions and Principles of Trauma-informed and Attachment-based Eating Disorder Treatment (32 minutes)
Chapter 2: Expanding the Role of the Body in the Bio-psycho-social model (75 minutes)
- Polyvagal Theory and Eating Disorders
- The Window of Tolerance and Eating Disorders
- The Impact of Attachment Injury, Trauma and Sensory Processing Disorder on Window of Tolerance and Ventral Vagal Engagement
Chapter 3: Embodiment (56 minutes)
- Definition and indicators of Embodiment
- Building Embodiment with Mindfulness-expanding object of awareness
- Building Embodiment through Full Body-mind-expanding seat of awareness
- What interferes with Embodiment?
Experiential Activity-Ventral Vagal Self-massage for increasing regulation: (5.0 minutes)
Chapter 4: The Body Speaks: The Language of Movement (66 minutes)
- Basic Skills for Working with the Body: Observing and Tracking
- Basic Skills for Working with the Body: Making Verbal Contact
- Movement as the language of relationship-The Relational Cycle of Developmental Movement, Yield, Push, Reach, Grasp, Pull
Chapter 5: The Body Speaks: Eating as Effective Action (19.5 minutes)
- The Action Cycle and Normative Eating
- The Relational Cycle and the Action Cycle- How Attachment Supports Normative Eating
- Eating Disorders as Expressions of Barriers to Action and Attachment Injury
Chapter 6: The Body Speaks about the Insight Barrier (43 minutes)
- Exploration of the movement patterns, attachment injuries and strategies, and incomplete development tasks associated with Insight Barrier to Effective Action
- Eating disorder behaviors as expression of the Insight Barrier to Effective Action
- Body-based interventions to reduce the Insight Barrier and associated eating disorders behaviors.
Chapter 7: The Body Speaks about the Response Barrier to Effective Action (35 minutes)
- Exploration of the movement patterns, attachment injuries and strategies, and incomplete development tasks associated with Response Barrier to Effective Action
- Eating disorder behaviors as expression of the Response Barrier to Effective Action
- Body-based interventions to reduce the Response Barrier and associated eating disorders behaviors.
Chapter 8: The Body Speaks about the Nourishment Barrier to Effective Action (32 minutes)
- Exploration of the movement patterns, attachment injuries and strategies, and incomplete development tasks associated with Nourishment Barrier to Effective Action
- Eating disorder behaviors as expression of the Nourishment Barrier to Effective Action
- Body-based interventions to reduce the Nourishment Barrier and associated eating disorders behaviors.
Chapter 9: The Body Speaks about the Completion Barrier to Effective Action (27 minutes)
- Exploration of the movement patterns, attachment injuries and strategies, and incomplete development tasks associated with Completion Barrier to Effective Action
- Eating disorder behaviors as expression of the Completion Barrier to Effective Action
- Body-based interventions to reduce the Completion Barrier and associated eating disorders behaviors.
- Chapter 10: The Body Speaks: Defense and Trauma (73 minutes) Definition of Trauma
- Actions of Defense and the Defense Response Cycle
- Eating Disorders behaviors as expressions of Defensive Actions
- Body-based interventions to resource clients and increase neurological and emotional regulation
- Case Study
- Considerations for Developmental and Complex Trauma
Experiential Activity-Mindful Movement for increased regulation: (4.0 minutes)
Chapter 11: The Body Speaks: Sensory Processing (78 minutes)
- Definition of Sensory Processing Disorder
- Definition of Far Senses
- Exploration of Olfaction/Smell-development, use as a resource and how processing issues impact eating behaviors. a
- Exploration of Tactility/Touch-development, use as a resource and how processing issues impact eating behaviors.
- Exploration of Audition/Hearing-development, use as a resource and how processing issues impact eating behaviors.·
- Exploration of Gustation/Taste-development, use as a resource and how processing issues impact eating behaviors.
- Exploration of Vision/Sight-development, use as a resource and how processing issues impact eating behaviors.·
- Definition of Near Senses
- Exploration of Proprioception-development, use as a resource and how processing issues impact eating behaviors.
- Exploration of Vestibular Function-development, use as a resource and how processing issues impact eating behaviors.
- Exploration of Interoception-development, use as a resource and how processing issues impact eating behaviors.
- Body Dysmorphia and Sensory Processing Disorder pairing near and far senses
- Indicators of and Interventions for Sensory Processing Disorders
Chapter 12: Resourcing the Body and the Body as a Resource (15.5 minutes)
- Expanding the treatment team to include evidence-based interventions that increase regulation
Chapter 13: Weaving it together (19 minutes)
- New questions for Eating Disorders assessment
- Take Aways
- Course Evaluation
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe eating disorder behaviors and recovery through the lens of neurological regulation, Polyvagal Theory and Window of Tolerance.
- Explain the physiological connection between attachment, trauma, sensory processing and digestion.
- Describe the role of bottom-up processing in eating disorders treatment and recovery.
- Demonstrate 3 skills to increase provider’s capacity to offer corrective co-regulation experiences.
- Demonstrate 3 body-based interventions to increase neurological regulation needed to support normative eating and eating disorders recovery.
- Explain the link between Sensory Processing Disorder and Eating Disorders.
In addition, dietitians completing this course will be able to:
- List the five principles of the Embodied Recovery Model and explain how this model advances current common practices in eating disorders treatment.
- Name and demonstrate three skills to use when making contact and working with the body.
- Explain the limitations to traditional approaches to mindfulness and how to facilitate a more embodied experience of mindfulness.
- Explain the connection between attachment, trauma, and digestion (through lens of Polyvagal Theory, Window of Tolerance, Sensory Integration) and its relationship to eating disorders.
- Explain the connection between attachment, trauma, and digestion (through lens of Polyvagal Theory, Window of Tolerance, Sensory Integration) and its relationship to eating disorders.
- Explain the role of sensory integration of 5-sense-perception, interoception, vestibular input, and proprioception in supporting neurobiological regulation and healthy ingestion, digestion and elimination.
- Identify and demonstrate the five developmental movement patterns that support healthy attachment in human development.
- Describe the defense-response cycle and how trauma impacts capacity for regulation and digestion or normative eating.
- Identify somatic attachment deficits and corresponding character strategies that emerge when the developmental movement pattern related to (1) trust and safety,(2) will and autonomy, (3) connection and intimacy, (4) belonging are truncated and how these deficits become expressed in eating disorder behaviors.
The training is appropriate for all members of multidisciplinary eating disorders treatment teams including mental health professionals (Psychologist, Social Workers, Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Creative Art Therapists), medical providers (MD’s, Psychiatrists, Nurses), Dietitians, Occupational Therapists, treatment program staff and adjunct providers such as yoga therapist. This training is also applicable for the same professionals who work with common co-occuring disorders such as addiction, mood disorders and trauma which arise from the same mind/body/spirit constellation that gives rise to eating disorders.
There are no pre-requisites for or required reading prior to this course. However, experience with somatic practices or body-based therapy is helpful. For those who wish to familiarize with bottom-up approaches to therapy please go to “Resources” at the menu at the top of the page. You will find several podcast, article and books that you may find helpful.
Tuition and Refund Policy
See the individual cohort listing for tuition fees.
BIPOC/LGBTQ AND STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS : We reserve select slots in each training for reduced rate scholarships. If you would like to request a scholarship, please contact Jenn at
REFUND: Please note all sales are non-refundable. However, for cancellations made up to 2 weeks prior to the first live virtual training session, ERI will issue you a credit that can be applied to a future training. If you need to cancel your registration, please, contact Jenn at
If events arise that make you unable to attend a required live virtual training session, please notify the Embodied Recovery Institute at
You will be given information on how to schedule a make-up session with an instructor. There will be an additional charge for these make-up sessions that is payable to the instructor.
Continuing Education
The Embodied Recovery Institute (ERI) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7539. Program that do no qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. ERI is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. 11.5 CE’s are available to participants who attend the entirety of this program and complete the course evaluation.
The Embodied Recovery Institute, Provider Number 2075, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 9/16/24-9/16/25. Social workers competing this course receive 11.5 General continuing education credits.
Introduction to Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders: Online awards 11.5 CPEUs in accordance with the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s CPEU Prior Approval Program.
Course Materials
Handouts and supporting resources are available to download as part of the on-demand class. In addition there are several items you will need to have on-hand to participate in the experiential exercises that are a unique and essential part of all the Embodied Recovery Institute course curricula. Most of these are items you can easily find around your home or office.
- Something beautiful you can look at.
- 6 bites of food. We recommend pretzels, chips, apple slices.
- An object in the room that you can both see and touch.
- An object that has a texture or tactile quality that you can hold in your hand.
- Something that you can see in the room that has a visual appeal.
- Something you can press your hand against that is substantial but soft, such as a tennis ball, stuffed animal or pillow.
- Something you could press your hand against that is prickly, such as a pinecone or fork tines.
- 4-5 inflated balloons.
- 1 deflated balloon.
- 3 objects which you can hold in your hand, one of which can represent something that you want.
- A yoga strap, sturdy scarf or length of rope.
- An object which you can hold in your hands that can represent something you are fond of and feel close to.
- A piece of paper and something to write with.